Tuesday 12 January 2016

Gobby Blog #3

My name is Harry. I am the vocalist for UK Metal band Collapse

Video - Image - Ownership

On Monday the 23rd November we dropped a video for the debut track 'I, MISERY' from our new album '...In The Shadow Of Man'. If you have yet to give that a spin you can do so below!


Produced and Directed by Incline Creative Media

Not bad eh! Making the video was a pretty greulling experience but also highly entertaining! I think we all learned a lot from the experience that we'll be able to make use of down the line.

Now we know what to do with Christian when he's been naughty

I Spy a cheeky Steve...

'An almighty buggering'

There's a basic theme to the video and a 'story' being told but thats for you to work out and for me to make up as is required. Safe to say, the video taught all of us a lot about performing and positioning, Adam was an absoloute legend to work with and I look forward to working with him again in the future. All that being said, there was some difficulties to overcome. 

I dont know about the other guys but it has been an immense struggle for me to even BE in a video. Image is very important in music these days, which is a shame really. Should appearences effect how you interpret music? Would you enjoy your favourite bands if they all looked like Oompa Loompa's? Would that make it better!?

New Millenium Chocolate Milk Christ

Let's not beat about the bush here, I am a fat chap. That is primarily where my issues stem from with regards to being in a music video. I have zero self confidence and every time I see mysef in a video its like someone jamming a fork in my eyes, but I have to own that. Its not like its someone else's fault that I am the size that I am. This is all me and all my responsibility. It is who I am. What I have made.

You dont see a lot of tubby folks fronting metal bands these days and ultimately thats where I found some peace of mind. I may be uncomfortable with what I see on camera, I may feel uncomfortable being at the front of the stage throwing my considerable gut about, I may be the punchline to a lot of jokes and an eye sore in photo's - but I still get up and do it. 

I hope that somehow and somewhere, someone who is a little on the larger side see's me doing my thing and thinks 'fuck it, if that guy can do it, so can I'.

I will continue to write, record and scream my bollocks off because it is what I love doing. If you cant be happy doing what you love, what can you be happy doing? 

Fuck the nay sayers. Buy our album. Wreck your necks!


Check out our Facebook for more info!

Pic courtesy of Adrian Erlandsson & Murder Mile Studios

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